Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Certainty = Evil

When scientists agree, they are either all right or all wrong.
The trouble with the Climate Change community is that they don't know how science works, and they are so certain that they are right that Something Must Be Done (no matter how many trillion dollars it takes).
I, and my science friends, are so aware that scientists may all be wrong. Perhaps there is one lonely person slaving away over a hot computer simulation and gathering evidence that everyone else is wrong. If you're a scientist, you are never 100% sure of what you know. So, maybe, Nothing Should Be Done.
Corollary: Certainty = Evil.
Corollary: Uncertainty = Good.
The timeless battle between Good and Evil is a contest between Certainty and Uncertainty.
The maxim "The only thing that Evil needs to triumph is that good men do nothing" can be translated as "The only thing that people who are certain of their beliefs need to triumph is that people who are uncertain do nothing".

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